Life and Legacy in the Age of Social media

 Demographic and social shifts in life insurance perception and adoption

Current State

Increasingly people are no longer tied closely to the traditional family unit, marriage or cohabitation. People are now closer in values to a social network of individuals and not to the genetic ties that once bound them together.

With the acceleration in the atomisation of the genetic connection and the bonding of ‘digital Families’, tribes and communities life insurance as a concept is due to change.

Creativity in the AfterLife

As a result of these changes, the creative approach to life insurance products will allow this as of yet untouched demographic sector of the global population to envision a new way of dealing with digital legacy and insurance.

Legacy and Digital Immortality

In the ‘event’ who should one give their fiscal legacy too?

This is the proposal of this paper, analysis of possible selection protocols for modern day social media connected bequeathment.

Possible directions and products.

1 - The quantum random global selector

2 - The Time Traveller

3 - The Location Selector

4 - The Unknown Artist

5 - The Artistic Event, happening

6 - The Charity that does not exist (Yet)

7 - The Artist that does not exist (Yet)

8 - The Gambler and chain of events

9 - The Puzzle Crypto Solver

10 - Contact me through this Medium

Visibility and Marketing

The way to acquire and capture adopters of this new way of dealing with life insurance